
Can I cancel my order if it hasn't been shipped yet?

Cancellations are possible as long as your order has not yet been processed in our warehouse. Our warehouse processes orders very quickly, so sometimes cancellations can no longer be made after just a few minutes.

The quickest way is to go to the relevant order in your customer account and select the cancellation option.

Please note that you can only request a cancellation for all items in a planned delivery. If you want to cancel all items in your order, but your order was divided into several planned deliveries, you must request a cancellation for each of these planned deliveries.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to cancel individual items from a planned delivery.

After the request, you will receive a separate email about the status of your cancellation request.

If you have any questions, you can reach our customer service on the free number 0800 / xxxxxx - charges may apply for calls from abroad.